Eighth Brother (1)
Basic info

First appearance: Star Wars Rebels (TV Series)
Species: Terrelian Jango Jumper
Relations: Imperial Inquisitor


The Eighth Brother was a Force-sensitive Terrelian Jango Jumper male member of the Inquisitorius. During the Imperial Era, Eighth Brother frequently participated in the hunt for the growing Rebellion, specifically the rebel group known as the Spectres. During the mission on the planet Malachor to kill the former Sith apprentice Maul, he met his demise.

Complete list

Price of Glory (Any Imperial Figure)
Price of Glory (Any Imperial Figure)
Tags (5)

Fifth Brother | Seventh Sister | Mirialan | Terrelian Jango Jumper | Imperial Inquisitor

Last updated: 24.04.2021 11:39:53